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Our Basic Language Program (RUSS 101, 102, 103, and 104) introduces students to the Russian language and the cultures of countries in which the language is spoken.

Each course in the sequence is a 4-credit hour course that meets three hours a week and includes an online work component. The online work prepares students for class allowing class time to be spent really using language through conversation, games, and other activities!

The things we learn in class provide a strong foundation for advanced classes and study abroad.

The BLP is made up of a four course sequence. Not all courses are taught every semester.
course prerequisite semester offered
RUSS 101 - Elementary Russian I none Fall
RUSS 102 - Elementary Russian II RUSS 101 or placement Spring
RUSS 103 - Intermediate Russian I RUSS 102 or placement Fall
RUSS 104 - Intermediate Russian II RUSS 103 or placement Spring

Students who pass Russian 104 fulfill the LAS language requirement and are encouraged to continue with 200-level courses.

Who to contact Heading link

For more information on policies, placement, and course syllabi or for questions about Russian 101-104, please contact the Coordinator of the Russian Basic Language Program.

Interested in taking Russian after 104? Majoring or minoring in Russian? For information about Russian electives and the major or minor, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies for Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies.

Find out more about declaring a Major or Minor in Russian on our Advising page.