Filip Springer
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Filip Spinger (1982 – )
Filip Springer is a photojournalist and reportage writer, based in Warsaw, Poland. An expert on things architectural and a collector of visual absurdities, Filip Springer is a reporter skilled in conveying the gist of the Polish landscape – writing of the city that never was, buildings that have long stood in spite of the general public’s disdain, and of marriage that was united in a love for architecture. He has published four collections of reportage on socialist-era architecture and the Polish landscape, and on the accomplishments of the renowned team Zofia and Oskar Hansen: Miedzianka. Historia znikania (Miedzianka: A History of Disappearance); Źle urodzone. Reportaże o architekturze PRL-u (Ill-Born. A Reportage on the Architecture of the PRL); Zaczyn. O Zofii i Oskarze Hansenach, (Zaczyn: On Zofia and Oskar Hansen); and, most recently, Wanna z kolumnadą. Reportaże o polskiej przestrzeni / A Tub with a Column. Reports on the Space that Is Poland. Springer’s photographic works have been exhibited widely throughout Poland, and he is a regular contributor to the leading Polish weekly “Polityka”. His book of reportage, “Miedzianka. The History of a Disappearance” (pub. Czarne 2011), was short-listed for both of Poland’s leading literary awards, the Nike Literary Prize and the Gdynia Literary Prize, as well as for the Ryszard Kapuscinski Prize, the Historical Book of the Year Award, the Angelus Central-European Literary Award and the Polish Press Union Award. Springer currently works with the Reportage Institute in Warsaw.