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Certificate in Russian Language

The Certificate in Russian Language aims to train future graduates and professionals to meet the need of state agencies, industry, business, health care providers, and educational institutions in Chicago and beyond!

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The Certificate in Russian Language provides undergraduate students interested in developing intermediate to advanced language proficiency in Russian with the opportunity to certify their acquisition of those language skills. Students with basic listening, oral, and writing skills, as taught in the beginning-level courses, can satisfy the requirements of the certificate by taking two classes at the intermediate level to further develop these fundamental language skills, followed by three classes at the advanced level, which allow students to polish language skills and raise proficiency to a level suitable for communication in native-speaker settings.


The requirements for the certificate are as follows, for a total of 17 credit hours:

  • RUSS 103 Intermediate Russian I (4 hours)
  • RUSS 104 Intermediate Russian II (4 hours)
  • RUSS 201 Advanced Russian through Media and Film (3 hours)
  • RUSS 202 Advanced Russian through Contemporary Culture (3 hours)
  • RUSS 203 Advanced Russian through Short Stories (3 hours)

Who can get this certificate?

Undergraduate students in all colleges are eligible to complete the Certificate in Russian Language.

Students pursuing the major in Russian (now in phase down and no longer admitting students) and the major in Polish, Russian, and Central and Eastern European Studies (effective Fall 2019) or minor in Russian Studies may not also pursue the certificate in Russian Language. The Minor in Central and Eastern European Studies may be completed in addition to the Certificate in Russian Language only if no courses overlap between the two programs.

Find out how to add the Certificate in Russian Language!