Michał Paweł Markowski
Professor, Head, and Stefan and Lucy Hejna Family Chair in Polish Language and Literature
Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies
Building & Room:
1630 UH
601 S Morgan St.
Office Phone:
Area of Specialization
20th-century Polish Literature and Culture, Literary Theory, Comparative Literature
Polish and European Modernism and Avant-garde, contemporary literary theory, Continental philosophy, theory and practice of translation, world and comparative literature, politics of literature.
Selected Publications
Current Book Projects:
Transfigurations: A New History of European Modernity.
Aesthetic Askesis: Gogol, Flaubert, Nietzsche.
Recent Book Publications:
- American Notebook; Indian Notebook; Andalusian Notebook (three notebooks with short essays and photographs], Austeria: Kraków-Budapeszt 2016.
- Dribble (in Polish), a collection of essays [on world literature, memory, hospitality, translation, media, intellectuals, soccer, hipster culture], Austeria: Kraków-Budapeszt 2015. Shortlisted for the Gdynia Prize in the Essay category in 2016.
- Day on Earth (in Polish), Poznań 2014 [A novel, travel essays, and photographs]. Selected for the Angelus Prize, the best book in Central Europe in 2014. An excerpt in English: http://www.asymptotejournal.com/nonfiction/michal-pawel-markowski-day-on-earth/
- The Politics of Sensibility: Introduction to the Humanities (in Polish), Universitas: Kraków 2013.
- Universal Dissolution: Schulz, Existence, Literature (in Polish), Jagiellonian University Press: Kraków 2012.
- Sun, Possibility, Delight: Essays [on photography (Cartier-Bresson), biographies, painting (Hopper, Bacon), and literature, in Polish], Czarne: Wołowiec 2010.
Ph.D. Literary Theory, Jagiellonian University (1996)
M.A., Polish Philology, Jagiellonian University, Poland (1986)