Julia Vaingurt
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies
Building & Room:
1618 UH
601 S Morgan St.
Office Phone:
Area of Specialization
20th century Russian literature and culture; Russian, European, and American Modernism and Avant-Garde
Additional Interests
18th century Russian literature, 19th century Russian fiction, Russian-American cultural intersections, Russian-Jewish literature, technology and bioethics in literature, literary theory, aesthetic theory.
Selected Publications
Soft Matter: The Poetics of Weakness in Late Soviet Socialism. Northwestern University Press, 2025.
The Human Reimagined: Posthumanism in Russia, coedited with Colleen McQuillen, Academic Studies Press, 2018.
The Svetlana Boym Reader, coedited with Cristina Vatulescu, Tamar Abramov, Nicole Burgoyne, Julia Chadaga, and Jacob Emery, Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
Wonderlands of the Avant-Garde: Technology and the Arts in Russia of the 1920s (2013).
“Freedom and the Reality of Others in Chapaev and the Void.” Forthcoming in SEEJ, Fall 2018 (62.3).
“Posthuman Loneliness and the Will to Play in the Work of the Strugatsky Brothers,” In The Human Reimagined: Posthumanism in Russia. Academic Studies Press, 2018.
“Svoi sredi drugikh: kontseptsiia chitatelia u Pelevina.” Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie. No. 149, 1/2018.
“To Goof or Not to Goof: How Slapstick Contributed to Soviet Americanism and American Modernism.” The Times Literary Supplement, February 17, 2017.
“Vladimir Tatlin: kul’tura materiala.” In Formal’nyj Metod: Antologiia russkogo modernizma [The Formal Method: An Anthology of Russian Modernism], vol. 3., ed. by S. Oushakine, Kabinetnyi Uchenyi, Moscow-Ekaterinenburg, 2016, 851-74.
“Mastery and Method in Poetry: Osip Mandelstam’s ‘Conversation About Dante’,” The Slavic Review, vol. 73, n. 3 (Fall 2014), pp. 457-70.
“Human Machines and the Pains of Penmanship in Yevgeny Zamyatin’s We.” Forthcoming in Cultural Critique, Vol. 80 (April, 2012).
“Unfair Use: Parody, Plagiarism, and Other Suspicious Practices in and around Lolita.” NOJ: Nabokov Online Journal, vol. 5, 2011.
“The Anatomy of a Space Flight: Rockets and Other Mechanical Eggs in Russian Modernism.” Russian Literature, Fall 2011.
“Indelible Inscriptions: Rewriting the Self in The Egyptian Stamp.” The Effect of Palimpsest (New York: Peter Lang, 2011).
“Poetry of Labor and Labor of Poetry: The Universal Language of Alexei Gastev’s Biomechanics.” The Russian Review, April 2008.
“Base Superstructures and Technical Difficulties in Mayakovsky’s America.” The Harriman Review 12:4 (November 2000) 5-11.
B.A., English, Grinnell College (1992)
M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Iowa (1994)
Ph.D., Slavic Languages and Literatures, Harvard University (2005)