Second Volume of Markowski’s Collected Texts Published

The second volume (out of three) of Michał Markowski's The Collected Textx 1988-2023, titled Polityka (Politics), contains 57 essays, articles, and extended comments on topics so diverse as Camus and colonialism, Heidegger and nazism, Conrad and liberalism, Barthes and politics, Gombrowicz and bourgeoisie, the future of Polish studies and philology, carnivorism, Enlightenment, postmodernism, cosmopolitanism, capitalism, bureaucracy, fanaticism, globalization, Anthropocene, war, class, migration, Polish and world literature, besides commentaries on the contemporary American politics from the Trump era including the pandemics. This vast 800-page collection, spanning over 35 years of writing, collects pieces not included in the other 18 individual volumes of the author. With the first volume (Interpretation), published the previous year (and awarded by the Rector of the Jagiellonian University with $4,500), and the third (Representation), scheduled for the next year, this 2200-page trilogy reflects the broad scope and multiple cultural interests of one of the most prolific Polish public intellectuals.