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Markowski receives Kazimierz Wyka Award

Professor Michal Pawel Markowski, The Hejna Chair in Polish Language and Literature, and the Head of Slavic Department at UIC, has been awarded with the prestigious Kazimierz Wyka Award for literary criticism and essay writing for 2011. The Kazimierz Wyka Award was established in 1980 by the city of Kraków, Poland, and is the biggest award in Poland in the field of literary criticism. It is conferred annually by 12 members of the jury selected by the City to one Polish eminent literary critic or essayist either for the last published book or for the lifetime achievement. Professor Markowski has been awarded for his entire critical oeuvre, and especially for his two last collections of essays: Zycie na miare literatury [2009] and Slonce, mozliwosc, radosc [2010].