First Lady of Lithuania Diana Nausėdienė visited UIC on September 23, 2021. As part of her visit, she met with Prof. Giedrius Subačius, Endowed Chair in Lithuanian Studies from UIC’s Department of Polish,…
Michał Markowski, Stefan and Lucy Hejna Family Chair in Polish Language and Literature, has recently published a new book Polska, rozkosz, uniwersytet (Poland, Pleasure, University) with Jagiellonian University Press in Krakow, Poland. A description…
Mona Zubi, a 2021 graduate in public policy and minor in Russian, has been awarded the U.S. Department of State’s Critical Language Scholarship to participate in intensive foreign language programs this summer. This…
Karen Underhill, Associate Professor of Polish, was recently interviewed as part of the Polish Cultural Institute New York’s “Encounters with Polish Literature,” a monthly video series in English “for anyone interested in literature…
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Emerita Olga Nedeljkovic on April 20, at the age of 84. Olga joined the Department of Slavic and Baltic Languages and…
The Science Council of Lithuania has awarded Prof. Giedrius Subačius, Endowed Chair of Lithuanian Studies, a grant of $15,000 to publish a monograph on the history of Lithuanian orthography. The book will be…
Matthew Kendall, Assistant Professor in the Department of Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies, has been named a Faculty Fellow by the UIC Institute for the Humanities for the 2021-2022 academic year. As a…
Yelena Zotova, who received her Ph.D. in Russian from the Department of Slavic and Baltic Languages and Literatures (now Polish, Russian, and Lithuanian Studies) and is currently an Associate Teaching Professor of Russian…
Earlier this year 9 UIC students were selected to participate in the nation-wide Think Tank: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, coordinated by Howard University and made…
Prof. Michał Markowski’s recent book Wojny nowoczesnych plemion. Spór o rzeczywistość w epoce populizmu [Wars of Modern Tribes. Arguing about Reality in the Times of Populism] (2019, Karakter) was named by acclaimed Polish…